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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pennsylvania Veterans 

Welcome! The Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) is the commonwealth's #1 advocate for its more than 700,000 veterans – the 4th largest veteran population in the nation – and you have come to the perfect place to connect with the programs and services you earned through your military service. 

Announcement: State Veterans Commission (SVC) Member-At-Large Position Now Open. Apply Today! Visit: Member at large announcement​​

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We want to connect with you! Visit the Pennsylvania Veterans Registry to connect with DMVA. The PA VETERANS REGISTRY is one way for DMVA to provide veterans, as well as those who support them, with the information they need. Register today.

Events And Job Opportunities For PA Veterans

You can view our list of upcoming Veterans Events and Job Opportunities,
or submit one of your own for us to advertise. 

To submit a veteran Event or Job opportunity, click on the buttons below and click on where it says "Submit a Job or Event," at the top of the page. Please submit items at least two weeks in advance of the Event date or date of Job closing, and provide as much information as possible on the form. We want to share your information with our Digest readership, but cannot do so without specific information.

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Can't find what you're looking for? Give us a call toll free at: 800-547-2838 or 717-861-8910 or use the Contact Us Formand we'll be happy to get you pointed in the right direction.

24/7, confidential crisis support for veterans and their loved ones